Sneeze Publisher Promethean organized his first Bingkong Party in 1999, at Mariner's Point in Jaro, it was a small festival of Heavy Metal and Hard Rock as well. Around 2 or 3 years after, a separate group organized a Bingkong Party as well. Now, SNEEZE Magazine goes back to the gig scene and has joined forces with Grindhouse Productions in order to make February 14 a day of celebrating Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, and the many other darker and the more angstier aspects of Rock and Metal.
This event is brought to you in part by Rock Ed Iloilo. Please bring Old Books for Donation for the Rock Ed Iloilo's BOOK BIGAYAN CAMPAIGN. These books will be donated to Elementary Schools which greatly need more books that will help the Filipino youth of tomorrow. BINGKONG 2010 also is brought to you in part by Aftersyx Radio, Eksena Iloilo, Online Iloilo, Hotbox Records, & JustAnotherFilmJunkie